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Building a RESTful service with AngularJS (and PHP)

This is a two parts post about how to make RESTful requests through an AngularJS web application.

The index of this brief series of posts is quite simple.

  • Backend setup is the first post in the series. As the subtitle, its main focus is (at least this time) on the backend domain. It will tackle how to setup a RESTful web service. I used PHP for all the examples; however at least the basic concepts beyond a RESTful service are language agnostic.

  • More power with $resource is focused on AngularJS. This post will tackle how to handle RESTful requests through a web application specifically powered by AngularJS. The publication of this post is scheduled for 5 September.

A simple RESTful web service

A RESTful web service uses HTTP requests to create, read, update and delete data.

This post will guide you through the creation of a web service that manages the data about a library. The web service makes possible to access the data about a specific book, or retrieve the list of all the books of the library.

GET book/42
// Retrieve the book with ID = 42

GET book
// Retrieve all the books

It also makes possible to save a new book, or to update the information about an existing book.

POST book
// Create a new book entry.
// Information about the new entry are in the POST data.

PUT book/42
// Update the data of the book with ID = 42

PUT, and POST are basically interchangeable; the norm is to use PUT when in the request is specified the URL of the resource.

Finally the web service should also allow to delete a book.

DELETE book/42
// Delete the book with ID = 42

How can you see the URLs are really similar, or completely equals… but they are supposed to do different operations and send different responses. In the following of this post I will introduce the code to create a such type of web service.

Redirect of the requests

First thing to do is to make possible that each request is managed by the same file. In order to obtain that each request is managed with the same process, it is necessary to add the following rule to the .htaccess file of the web server.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /book/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /handlers/libraryManager.php [L]

In this way each request towards an url starting with /book/ is redirected to the /handlers/libraryManager.php file.

Handle the different requests

We just saw how to centralize the management of the requests.

To complete the web service it is necessary to add to our libraryManager the logic to handle different type of requests in different manners. To achieve this, it is important to understand that the different kind of requests are different essentially for three factors:

  • Request method.

    The method can be anyone of the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE).

    Assuming PHP as server side language, the method used for a particular request is available in the variable $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].

// The behaviour has to be different on the basis
// of the request method.

  case "GET":
    // get stuff
  case "DELETE":
    // delete stuff
  • Requested url.

    The URL is available as $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].

// It is possible to explode the requested URL.
explode("/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
  • Additional data, optional.
// For GET, or POST
// PHP makes available the $_GET, and $_POST arrays.

$id = $_GET["id"];
$title = $_POST["title"];

// Also PUT (and DELETE) request can be accompanied by
// additional information.
// Unlike the GET, or POST method, there is not a built in way  
// to reference these data.
// But in this case it is necessary the following code:

$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), false);

Basing on this, I wrote the web service as follows. Please note how the implementation of each action is hidden inside the Library object.

require_once "../classes/Library.php";

$obj = new Library();


  case "GET":

    $id = explode("book/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);

    if (isset($id[1])){

       Query the database to get the information
       about the book with ID = $id[1]

      $result = $obj->get_book_by_id($id[1]);

    else {

       Query the database to get the information
       about all the books

      $result = $obj->get_books();



  case "POST":

    // Save a new record in the database

    $result = $obj->register_new_book($_POST);


  case "PUT":

    // Retrieve additional data
    $d = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), false);

    $result = $obj->loan_book($d);


  case "DELETE":

    $id = explode("book/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);

    if (isset($id[1])){
      $result = $obj->delete_book($id[1]);



$json = json_encode($result);
echo $json;

HTTP Status Code

The web service written in the previous section is 100% working. However it can’t be considered yet a RESTful service, because it still does not use appropriate HTTP status codes for the responses.

This is really bad, even worse because PHP offers a really easy way to set HTTP code through the header function.

For example, if the web service should be accessible only to logged users, it has to respond with a 401 error message to users who are not logged to the system.

if (!isset($_SESSION["user"])) {
  header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");

Or, just to make another example, if the web service is just for reading operations, it is possible to respond with the 405 error message to all the methods, but the GET.

  // read stuff
else {
  header("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed");


Great! Now, our RESTful web service is ready, and it is just waiting of requests.

In a few days will be published also the second (and last) part of this mini series, and I’ll cover how to send requests to this web service through a web application built with AngularJS.